About me

I am a different woman than 10 years ago, I have grown into a woman, mother and partner who has fulfillment in my career, I feel very grateful for the opportunity to pursue my passion while also providing for my family and setting a positive example for my children.

I was in my teens when my father committed suicide. He had been suffering from depression for years and did not ask anyone for help. He had suffered alone for years. We had a love-hate relationship because we didn’t understand each other. I felt like I was never enough for him and that I was always letting him down. 

During all these years I thought that I had accepted his death but after the separation with the father of my children, all the unresolved trauma came out. For the next 10 years I didn’t get a new partner, I always attracted men who didn’t want to commit to me and it was very frustrating. I began to doubt myself a lot and almost fell into a depression because I felt that I wasn’t enough, that I wasn’t worth someone to love me and I felt very alone.

During all that time I tried many alternative therapies, but the changes were always short-lived. It was in the year 2019, thanks to RTT Hypnotherapy that I finally understood that it was not my fault that he had committed suicide. Until then I thought that he had committed suicide because I was so rebellious and couldn’t deal with it and that’s why UNCONSCIOUSLY I didn’t deserve love in my life and I rejected it.

With RTT Hypnotherapy, I found for the first time a therapy that showed me the core, the root cause of the problem. I was finally able to let go of the belief that I was worthless. Such an immense burden was lifted from me. It was like starting with a clean slate. I now consciously choose to take better care of myself and be kinder to myself. After many years of painful learnings, I can finally say that I have attracted real love.

What would my life be like if I had discovered the RTT hypnotherapy sooner?

I never give up, I am always looking to improve and develop myself and therefor I am always growing as a person. I am a born leader and I am able to get the best out of people. I am always honest, authentic and very straightforward. I will tell you enderringly but very clearly what you need to hear for your growth, because I am here to help you, not to be your best friend. I am an expert of helping people get out of their comfort zone and victim role and give them their power back. 

My vision

Most feelings of low self esteem or not feeling enough are created in your childhood. They are stored in your subconsciousness which during consciousness you won´t remember. So for me, normal therapy, where over and over again you talk about the same things, has hardly no effect at all. I am so exited about the RTT Hypnotherapy because it shows you directly the root of your problems and will change your perspective of the past almost instantly.

If you knew me, you would know that:

I have lived in Spain since I was 18. With my blond hair, blue eyes and 185cm it is obvious that I am not a native, but I have always felt very much at home and would never go back to Holland.

Music is my energybooster and makes me so happy. I am listening to music almost all day long. Instead of a TV, I have music in every room.

I always believed that rules are made to be broken, and yes, that got me in quite a few sticky situations but I would never have reached the level that I have reached in my life if I had always said, YES and AMEN.

I didn´t have an easy life and sometimes it was very hard, but if I look back, I know that all those hardships made me the woman I am today, and together with all studying and books that I have read, enables me to help my clients.

I have 2 bookcases full of books about psychology, marketing, selfdevelopment etc. I am known in the gym as ¨the women on the bike with the books¨. (My motto is : Make the most of your time.) My favourite autors are: Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, Joe Dispenza and Abraham Hicks.

Generally I am a very peaceful person, but my 2 wonderful children can bring out the worst in me and occasionally make me feel like Dr. Jeckyll & Mr. Hyde.

More info

Feel free to reach out to me if you need any further information. I am happy to help you.