
Depression & Self-esteem


Regarding my experience, I want to be totally honest, personally I am a person who finds it very difficult to enter hypnosis and I say this from other experiences, but it is true that with the exercises that I have done prepared by Babette, I have made a brutal change.

In every aspect. If I have to say that he has helped me, I can attest to that, she has cared a lot about me and not everything is resolved with a couple of hypnosis, but rather, through the rest of the treatment, the accompaniment, the help, the reconstruction of your self-esteem and the large number of tools that Babette puts in her therapy to help you move forward.

Today, after several months, I am still as good as when I finished my treatment and that is why I recommend it 100%.

Severe depression


I want to thank Babette. We were lucky to find this great professional during many dark nights of my son, and by reflection ours, mine and my husband.

She has managed to help us in a few months, where neither psychologists nor psychiatrists in more than 3 years could or did not want to get my son out of his deep depression and with many suicide attempts (because in the end it is a business for them, they wanted to put him in a residence for addicts, when he was not, at 5,000 euros per month).

Babette knew how to listen and provide the correct measures, working on his conscious mind and above all on his unconscious mind. I adore her work. Hypnotherapy is a powerful and fantastic tool.

She saved my son. He is now happy. He is getting new challenges. And I’m sure that soon he will lose all of his fears. Babette has constantly accompanied him on his way and has left him tools so that now he can continue on his own.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, you were a guardian angel.

Mental & fisical pain


For years, I was not comfortable in my own skin, felt like a bad mother, was insecure and did not feel like I could fully enjoy myself anymore.
The mental discomfort also became more and more physical. Pain in my heart area, shoulder and arm.

After several sessions with Babette, I felt so much better/stronger mentally as well as physically.

She taught me that a lot is a matter of the right mindset. She gave me tools to change my mindset.
Babette is a chunk of life energy with a lot of life experience.

I looked forward to every session and gained so much from it


Insecurity & Fear of success


I am immensely grateful for my process with Babette and her development and personal growth techniques.

Hypnosis is the answer you need to address anything that stands in your way and her capacity as a coach is impeccable.

I felt cowardly, emotionally dependent, exhausted; and now I feel safe, a complete, capable, independent and full of energy.

Cristina, Barcelona

Fear & insecurity


A few days have passed since the last session and not a day has gone by without remembering you and the things we talked about. Simple things but sometimes we are not aware…

Thank you for your help and for your time… thank you for being there, for being attentive and for adapting to my needs and my times… thank you for making me feel that the priority was to help me.

And above all, thank you for giving me the peace of mind that I so badly needed. You are a great person and a great professional!
A big kiss!!



The work I did with Babette has brought me onto the next step of bettering myself. Babette is a great listeners and advisor. She creates a space to talk free and openly, there is an instant trust.                             

In the sessions an area if oneself is woken up, the listing exercise creates a new way of thinking. It has helped me stay in the here and now. Babette’s voice has been with me many nights and has given me an ease and comfort.  

I am motivated and inspired by Babette to grow as a person and she has shown me I can keep growing. Babette has given me a part of me back which was lost before.  I am very grateful.

Insecurities with work&love and health problems


Before the therapy with Babette, I had many insecurities with love and work. I had fear of not being good enough. I needed to do something to stop suffering by always pleasing others and to be happy.

My health was also regular and I was very worried.
In the sessions I discovered the reason for my fears and insecurities, which I had not discovered with conventional psychology.
After the sessions and the nightly recordings, everything has been falling into place, I finally have a loving relationship that I can enjoy without fear, my health has drastically improved and at work I feel better than ever.

I recommend therapy with Babette, in addition to being super nice and making you feel super comfortable, her therapy has been proven to work, she is a great professional.

Concentration issues


Babette helped me with my concentration issues, which were taking over some of my activities and could have caused serious injuries.

Since then, I felt lighter in my head. And can concentrate better and even enjoy my days.

Our session was calm and safe, and I had total space to work on my trauma and then better on the ‘self’. 

I am glad to have taken this step for help. It is absolutely a positive direction for welcome my life yet to come.

Thank you, Babette.



Babette, I thank you very much for the help you have given me in these weeks.
My objective was to be able to carry out this trip that is so important to me and I have managed to do it and enjoy it fully. It had been a long time since I felt this good.
Now I have much more energy, hope and confidence that everything will be fine. I have tools to manage possible complications from day to day.
In addition, after years and years of medication, now I dared to reduce it little by little and came to complete elimination.

I look forward to moving forward and will call you if I need you… Thanks again!!

Anxiety & Cervical pain


My experience with Babette was wonderful, incredible! I went to her recommended by another friend, and the truth is that it was great for me. Due to past family and childhood issues, did not allow me to move forward in the present with my family.

I did not know that I had so many things from my childhood that could be the reason for my anxiety. I was absolutely surprised and I have noticed a huge change, and my family aswell!! When I started the session I had cervical pain that I could hardly move, because at the end of the session I could move it better.

I have already recommended her to a lot of acquaintances.
Babette is always attentive, very affectionate, she transmits me a lot of peace and took great care with the follow-up that she does so that you achieve everything for a 100%, it is spectacular. I recommend it 200%!!

Thank you very much, Babette, for everything!

Lledó, Spain

Can't find a partner


I met Babette through a friend and I did not hesitate to put myself in her hands with a hypnotherapy session.

It had been many years since I had a stable partner and I didn’t hesitate to deal exclusively with this topic in her session. I was surprised to see how in my childhood I had felt abandoned and how I repeated that pattern with all the men who approached me. With her session and her audio that I listened to every night for 21 days I have been changing my beliefs and feeling worthy of having a stable partner.

Each one of those qualities that I was looking for in a partner has been fulfilled and after 10 years without a partner, today I can say that I am in a loving relationship and I cannot be more grateful and at the same time surprised at what has happened to me. That hypnotherapy session changed my life.

Totally recommendable, I felt very comfortable with the love that Babette puts into the sessions, I think it’s worth putting yourself in her hands.

Paula, Madrid



I was super depressed and had very negative thoughts. I felt that he was in a spiral from which he could not get out. When I heard about hypnotherapy, I started reading about it and dove into it. That’s how I ended up with Babette and asked her to help me. I had thought about it before, but I didn’t feel like I was ready. Now I felt that she was ready.

The sessions were intense and had strong effects, for which I was prepared. With good guidance and follow-up from Babette, I got through it. I have finished the therapy and now I feel much better about myself, I am positive and I can even say that I have begun to love myself. I am enough!

I am very grateful to Babette because she helped me out of the depths and I can wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone who feels she can go no further. Take the plunge and put yourself in Babette’s hands.

Zoe, Norway



I have always liked alternative therapies as one more way to help traditional medicine, I have tried different ones, this time I have opted for hypnosis. I wanted to treat my asthma and hypothyroidism (it is related), after my first session, in the following days my emotional state was calmer, I was happy, even my relationship with my partner had changed, we are more relaxed, less tense, my perception was different. You cannot pretend to change others, change begins with oneself.
A month before the session they had to raise my thyroid treatment to levels that I only took when I was pregnant, two months later I had tests done again and my hormone had dropped to a minimum, a month had passed since my hypnosis, it was all surprise, they have given me an appointment for six months to go back to do another analysis in case they had to lower my treatment, normally the check-ups are annual, but I have had a considerable drop, that’s why they checked me before.
As far as asthma is concerned, it has lived with me for more than 30 years, I have had very bad times, my doctor has given me a daily inhaler every 12 hours, for fear that when I get older I may develop into COPD (obstructive pulmonary disease). Since I did the hypnosis I have lowered the inhaler to half. I hope very soon to be able to remove it completely.

Monica, Spain

Insecurity & Anxiety


I decided to visit Babette at a point in my life when I was feeling lost and without much motivation.

Thanks to her and by applying her techniques and listening to her advice, I have been able to move forward and see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Babette has allowed me to understand and accept why certain things happen and to face them from a different point of view. Thanks to her I now have a basis on which I can work and improve.


Rage & Insecurity


Hello Babette,

I just wanted to thank you for your emotional help during these weeks… my progress was very fast, the truth is that I never imagined it would be like this, now I am happy and the most important thing is that my mind thinks more positive than negative negative.

I am better emotionally with my partner, by the way we will getting married in July. It’s better with my family, even though we don’t have much physical contact, the one we have is super positive…thank you for your patience and time…

Weak in front of men


I contacted Babette because a friend recommended her to me, I didn’t know what to expect, I just knew that I was tired of feeling weak in front of men, of feeling the need to continually please them and put them ahead of myself in everything, I felt sad and empty. After the sessions little by little I found myself at peace with myself, when I realized I was able to say my opinion and set my limits and best of all, I no longer felt guilty about it. The people around me began to see me differently, and they are right, I have changed. I know that the path is long and one must never stop working on himself, but Babette taught me where to look for that path and showed me the light in myself that I needed to see.



I have always had problems with insecurity, decision making and sometimes with other people’s perception of me. That, added to a stressful and energy-absorbing job, led over time to being overweight.

I came to Babette from the hand of a friend who put me in contact with her.

The day of the session she made me feel very comfortable and calm, with the freedom to tell her my concerns. The session started, and I have to say that on some occasion, and I had done some mindfulness and hypnosis, the session was very powerful. Since that day I continue working on myself, but something changed. I feel more secure of myself and the past doesn’t hurt me so much anymore or what I think others think of me. I also have a healthy relationship with my daughter.

Weight loss is going slow, although every day I apply new habits which make me eat healthier. Overall I feel alot happier.

Thank you Babette for showing me the way to happiness.

Rosa, Reus



I recommend it 100%. I went to interview Babette. But I can’t speak or give an opinion without knowing what the hypnosis is, or what it feels like. Although we already know each other… She explains it great and transmits peace and tranquility… I had suffered from anorexia for more than 20 years and although we have overcome it. I saw where my problem really started…  after thousands of specialists, in one session. I saw myself .. Then with his great accompaniment. So I can only say thank you, thank you, thank you

Loving, healthy relationship


I tried hypnosis because I couldn’t find a stable partner and always attracted the same type of toxic partner.

I listened to Babette’s audios for 21 days just like she told me. During the 6 weeks I noticed changes, more emotional control and more self-confidence. More awareness of things that do not suit me and more self-esteem.

Now I can say that I have a relationship with a man similar to me.

Thank you Babette


Babette gave me an RTT session to solve my back problems (central hernia). During and after the session something has changed in my feeling and in my back, I literally feel more support. I get up well after sleeping and I give belly dance workshops of 1.5 hours again. That’s going great! In the hospital they said I could never dance again…. so you can see what is possible with hypnosis.

Thank you Babette for the super session!

Anicha, Rotterdam

Lack of motivation

Reaching out to you Babette was one of the best luck I had, I had a few issues I needed to work through, but the idea of seeing a therapist was just crazy. Over the years things just compounded until I reached my breaking, point this year. I had you Babette to be my RTT therapist and my issue was motivation. I knew I had to see a therapist but I did not have the time, I was overwhelmed and so stressed but things have improved after the session, I am still working on my motivation, but things are so much better after hearing your record for more than 21 days. It was so helpful to me get through things faster and implementing your recommendations to my lifestyle. It is an excellent source of strength to have an RTT session. Best of luck on your RTT life and I am sure that people will enjoy your sessions and you will be so helpful for them.

Hanan Halaby, Dubai


I 100% recommend Babette and her incredible work of investigating our unconscious and thus becoming aware of our limitations so that we can work on them and choose our own path and achieve a feeling of peace, well-being and freedom.

Vania, Spain


Babette did a regression with me under hypnosis to discover where my fibromyalgia originated. That was an real eye-opener for me, because the event that came up I didn’t remember at all that it had happened. The problem was solved during the session and by listening to the audio made by Babette, I have been pain free for several weeks now. That is really nice,  because now that I am pain-free, I also have more energy and I can do more and I feel much freer.

Karlijn, Holland

Grey hair

I must confess I was a bit sceptical about how Hypnosis/therapy could help fix the grey hair colour but I must say it was definitely worth it because I started seeing changes and can’t wait to see the end result.

Thanks so much Babette for a great job.

Anonymous, Frankfurt

Fear of flying

After struggling with my fears for most of my life I had come to believe it was a part of me. I never thought for a moment that there was any particular reason for my suffering. I thought that everyone was scared of something and that it was normal to have these feelings of panic when confronted with fears that affected my everyday life.

Babette explained the RTT to me and although I was a little sceptical about it, With Babette’s help I was able to discover the reasons behind my fears and after just one session, although it took me a while to admit, it all made perfect sense!

Since the RTT I have been noticing a gradual difference in myself and my fears are finally diminishing. Knowing the reasons behind them and understanding them has been crucial to my recovery!

Isabel, Spain

Slow Thyroids

Babette was a pleasure to work with. She was very kind and supportive throughout our session together and very helpful after as well making sure to check in with me regularly. Her love and effort was felt. The recording was superb, her voice is smooth and relaxing and I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the recording. Thank you Babette, I really enjoyed working with you and I would recommend anyone else to work with you too

Sabrina, South-Africa

Stop smoking

I went to Babette to quit smoking through hypnosis therapy. During the first call, she gave me a very loving treatment and was full of confidence that everything was going to turn out well.
The practice is very pleasant and well set, it makes you feel comfortable as soon as you enter. I had no experience in this type of treatment but I received all the necessary explanations and was able to ask about all my doubts, I felt very accompanied during the process. At the end of the session I felt peace and I was sure that the treatment had been successful, Babette was following up during the following days to ensure that everything was running its course.
To this day I haven´t smoked a cigarette again.
I have recommended Babette to friends and family as the therapy is very powerful and applicable to very diverse cases.

David, Tarragona

Fear of public speaking

During the session I reached a state of maximum relaxation but it was difficult for me to connect with significant images that had to do with my problem. Thanks to the insistence, patience and good work of the therapist, I was finally able to decipher valuable information that gave me the key to solving my fear of public speaking. Every night I listened to the audio that had been recorded especially for me and a week after doing so I had the opportunity to participate in an online course with 35 students. I still find it hard to believe that I was able to intervene without my usual rush to it over with, but instead I shared my experience, worthy of being heard, free from the beliefs that have complicated my life until today. I have never had the opportunity to address such a large group again but it is no longer something that worries me or that I try to avoid. When it comes I trust my ability. Babette made me feel very comfortable, cared for and accompanied during the session. I’m very grateful.

Mónica, Tarragona

People misunderstanding

I came to Babette because I was tired of people misunderstanding me. I had a very restless childhood where I had to stand up for myself. That makes you very defensive. So when I felt threatened by someone, I attacked and unfortunately I felt threatened quite often lately. During the session, Babette inquired about this thoroughly so that she had a clear idea of what she was going to tackle. She was knowledgeable, warm and I felt understood. It was very nice to do the session with her. After that I got all the aftercare and a lot of apps asking if everything went well. The best thing was the difference I noticed. I have more faith in people. Dare to ask questions before I assume someone is after me. I dare to assume the best again. I am very grateful to Babette for that!

Anonimous, Utrecht (Holland)

FAQS – Frecuently Asked Questions

What will RTT hipnosis feel like?

The majority of people experiment a profound relaxation. You will feel in a natural state and you are perfectly aware of everything that happens. Therefor you will not do or say anything you don´t want to.

Can I choose not to tell you something I don´t want to during the sesión?

Yes, that is possible. You are perfectly aware of what you are saying, you can even open your eyes for a moment if you choose to do so. You are in control.

Could you stay trapped in the online RTT Hypnosis?

No, you can´t stay trapped in the online sesión. The Hypnosis is a completely natural state, where you are in control and will enter and exit various times a day. If you were to lose connection, you will open your eyes automatically after 5 minutes.

After the session, when will I notice the change?

Change can be instant, accumulative or retroactive, which means it can be fast or gradual or it may take some time, but whatever happens, after the session, the change has begun. It is however important that you always continue to work on yourself improvement.

More info

Feel free to reach out to me if you need any further information. I am happy to help you.